Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Final days

The countdown is on. The kids are going crazy, everyone just wants to be done with school.

This has not really been a normal school week. Most of the classes are spending time out in the sun. Tomorrow, Mark is going to have his birthday party. Friday is going to be another half day. The teachers need to decorate the school with flowers for the graduation.

There have also been a lot of after school things happening. Grade for all the students have to be in this week, so the teachers are sitting down and trying to figure out who gets what. I like this style because all the teachers get together and talk about all the students, who is good, who is bad, who is horrible. If another teacher wants to talk about the student, they do it in front of the rest, it is very open.

Tomorrow night there will be the serenade by the 8th grade students. We will have to be at the school for 7, and I was told not to expect to leave until 11 at the earliest. Most likely, after midnight. I am really looking forward to it! I suspect that it will be another event for the teachers to drink at. Pisti and Janos are quite entertaining after a few drinks.

Saturday is the actual graduation ceremony. It will be videotaped. I was told I had to be here because of that, so I am sneaking off after that. I hope to spend my Saturday afternoon sitting by the Tisza with friends at a pirate bar.

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