Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ehes vagyok

So I am hungry, not hungary, hungry. Lunches here certainly keep me entertained, mostly trying to figure out what they are. Most days I enjoy them enough, especially when I get potatoes, but today was different. I am still not sure what I just consumed a heaping plate full of. I know it was pasta but other than that I am lost. I am unable to decipher it by taste either because Hungarians have a fascination for mixing sweet with everything. All I know is that I ate something I would really prefer to not have again and am sad I will miss my mashed potatoes tomorrow.

I guess I better get over my concern over food I don't know before the pig killing. Who knows what I will be fed that day. My question is how many parts of a pig can Hungarians make into food?


Rachel said...

Hi, I'm an American who has been living and teaching English in Hungary for a few years, and I randomly found your blog. I'm still not used to things like poppy seeds and jam on pasta! As for the pig killing, it's a lot of fun, and all parts of the pig are used in something. One of my friends loves the ear, but I didn't like it!

Emily said...

Funny, Tomi's off at a pig-killing right now (that explains why I'm awake at 8 on a Saturday). As for your question, what part can't be made into food? The "oink". In Hungarian, the "rüf-rüf"

Tara said...

Interesting...I will keep that in mind this weekend. Rachel, in which town/village do you live?

Rachel said...

I'm in Aszód, which is a small town between Gödöllő and Hatvan and about 45 km from Budapest. I've been here since September 2005. My blog is if you're interestd in checking it out.